Candi Bangkal terletak di Desa Bangkal, Kecamatan Ngoro. Denah candi berbentuk segi empat. Pada kaki candi terdapat tangga menuju bilik candi. Di atas pintu bilik terdapat hiasan kala. Cndi ini termasuk salah satu yang masih berdiri kokoh.
Berdasarkan legenda masyarakat setempat pada zaman dulu terjadi gempa bumi, akibatnya banyak rumah penduduk yang roboh, namun candi Bangkal tetap berdiri utuh tanpa retak sedikitpun.
Pada waktu tertentu, warga setempat menggelar acara-acara sedekah bumi, salah satunya digelar pebtas wayang kulit. Tradisi ini dilakukan setiap habis panen.
Berdasarkan legenda masyarakat setempat pada zaman dulu terjadi gempa bumi, akibatnya banyak rumah penduduk yang roboh, namun candi Bangkal tetap berdiri utuh tanpa retak sedikitpun.
Pada waktu tertentu, warga setempat menggelar acara-acara sedekah bumi, salah satunya digelar pebtas wayang kulit. Tradisi ini dilakukan setiap habis panen.
English version --->>> Bangkal Temple
Bangkal temple is located at Bangkal village sub district of Ngoro. The map of temple is a parellogram. In the temple leg there is a stair to temple room. In the top of room, it is decorated with kala. This temple is considered as the one that still sturdy.
Based on society legend, long time ago the earth quake causes many society houses collapse. But Bangkal temple still stay sturdily.
At certain time, the community surrounded conduct ceremony of earth alms with Wayang Kulit as one of its stage. This tradition is conducted each harvest.
Based on society legend, long time ago the earth quake causes many society houses collapse. But Bangkal temple still stay sturdily.
At certain time, the community surrounded conduct ceremony of earth alms with Wayang Kulit as one of its stage. This tradition is conducted each harvest.
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